One of the things we just finished today is Horror Shopping Network! My good friend Fernie and I got in front of a camera and babbled for a solid 16 minutes about the magazine in a hilarious Home Shopping Network parody! This was episode I and we had so much fun we are going to keep it going. You'll likely see us give other products and things and stuff the Horror Shopping Network treatment. Want to be involved? Email: gorenoirmag@gmail.com you can also find Fernie's awesome patreon at: www.patreon.com/ocularofferings
Last but not least! Issue 15 is on it's way and is available for preorder! We delve into artwork from Lou Rusconi, Matt Peppler, Jef Overn, and Chris Labrenz. We pick the brain of Circus of the Dead (cover) director Billy Pon. We get to know Morgue the extreme performance artist from AMC's Freakshow. We dig deep into the depths of The House of Masks. Not to mention that you will get to feast your eyes on bloody amazing images from Le Mew Photography and Lady MaCallan. Providing punctuation is an article from Brennan Richie taking a nice dip into all things freakshow and sideshow related. All this plus our regular musings that you'll find in all of our issues! You see now why we're absolutely sure this will sell out! www.gorenoirmagazine.bigcartel.com