Gore Noir Magazine
5701 W Slaughter Ln
Austin, TX 78749
Ready for how to win? OKAY HERE GOES! Follow us on instagram: @gorenoirmag then repost the photo to the left there <<--- and tag us and also hashtag #gorenoirmag it's that easy!! But wait you say.. You don't have Instagram? Well we still have a chance for you to win! Go subscribe to our YouTube channel and/or comment on the video for another 2 chances to win. Do all 3 and you'll get 3 entries into the contest. Do we allow reposts on Instagram? We will let you repost every 3 days. We will run this for 2 weeks. Starting tonight and ending September 15th. We will pick one random winner to get the whole package!
OH no you lost? Well we will also throw out some free digital issues and free digital subscriptions if we see you reposting every 3 days on Instagram and we see you did all 3 things. We reward awesome people who help us get the word out. READY? GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Now watch the video for a look at a bunch of (not all) of the cool stuff we're giving away (and that we got in the mail and are keeping na nana boo boo!)
People Featured in this video:
Atomic Cotton - http://www.attomicotton.com
Toxic Toons - http://www.toxictoons.com
Goat Rat - http://www.goat-rat.com
Eric O'Neill - http://www.ericoneillart.com
Thread N Buried - http://www.etsy.com/shop/VidVad
The Deadlies - http://www.thedeadlies.net
Vince Ripper and the Rodent Show - http://www.vinceripperandtherodentshow.com
Cute Robot Films - http://cuterobotfilms.blogspot.com
Silent Horror - http://silenthorror.bigcartel.com
Studiohouse Designs - @studiohousedesigns
Horror Decor - http://www.horrordecor.net
Grey Matter Art - http://www.greymatterart.com
Do It Evil - http://www.soundcloud.com/DoItEvil
Ghouls Night Out - http://www.facebook.com/ghoulsnightoutfest
Gore Noir Magazine - http://www.gorenoir.com
@gorenoir on social media!
List of Giveaways:
1. Gore Noir Magazine B&W Zine issue
2. Gore Noir Magazine issue #11
3. Gore Noir Magazine issue #12
4. Gore Noir Magazine issue #13
5. Beatles Skull Shirt Size L (forgot brand)
6. The Deadlies Tshirt Size M
7. The Deadlies Tshirt Size S
8. The Deadlies CD
9. Set of 4 Placemats from Horror Decor
10. Just Another Zombie Love Story book by M. A. Rogers
11. 2 Studiohouse Designs Cloth Patches
12. 3 Atomic Cotton Cloth Patches, 2 stickers
13. Toxic Toons XS Hoodie, Patch, and post cards
14. Do It Evil Stickers
15. Goat Rat Stickers
16. Thread And Burried Stickers and Button
17. Silent Horror Cloth Patch
18. Gore Noir patch, buttons, and stickers!